SAP SM13 Update Mechanism for V2 Updates


Recently we have faced a big issue in our ECC System where all V2/V3 updates get stuck in SM13 & not processing further.

All update are in the condition of Collective Run –

SM13 -> V2 -> Update Modules: MCEX_UPDATE_03 Collective Run Initial

Manually Reprocessing is also not helping us.

We have raised High Severity call to SAP & SAP provide us to run the report “RMCSV3VB”. we ran the report once & all stuck V2/V3 updates get cleared from SM13 & place in SM58 for further processing but the problem is new updates are still not processing from SM13.

We have discussed the same to SAP & SAP suggest to schedule this report to run as per your requirement for processing updates & they also confirm that there is no harm while running this report in the system.

Please make sure to run & schedule this report from SM36 via BATCH user (full authorization). This Job will complete it in some seconds but this will trigger any BG process to trigger the updates.

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