OS= Windows 2003
Database = Oracle (Installed only 1 database software & running both SID’s)
SAP version = ECC6.0 EHP4 IDES & EP 7.0
In our dual stack system with 2 different SID’s (ABAP+JAVA). I am not able to start up JAVA instance. JCONTROL dies after some, after reading dev_jcontrol. i found the below error.
Error during start up – Unable to Synchronize Binaries
I have checked Config tool and found that config tool is also not able to connect with database giving this error
“Error while connecting to DB”
i have read system.log in config tool folder and found the below error,
“TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor”
I tried tnsping java<SID> it’s failed.
Then i check the listener.ora and found that there is only 1 entry of ABAP stack port(1526), no entry define of JAVA stack. I edit the listener.ora & save the JAVA<SID> details with different Port(1527) & create two listener services in services.msc (listener_ABAP<SID>) & (listener_JAVA<SID>) the start the both listener services.
Our both listener services started successfully then we check tnsping java<SID>, it’s succeed.
Now we are able to connect Config tool & we tried to start our SAP system. Now both stack got started without any error.
P.S. note: if any error occurred during start up of listener services or during tnsping please also check once sqlnet.ora & tnsnames.ora in both (ABAP+JAVA) /usr/sap/<SID>/sys/profile/oracle & make changes accordingly.