Recently we find an issue that while starting SAP via SAP MMC, work process stop in Ended status. We found in developer trace that it’s a database connectivity issue. In some cases connectivity from SAP to Database does not happen due to SAPSR3 user locked.
Steps to find the issue in Windows Environment.
1. Go to CMD – R3trans -d (it ended with return code 0012)
2. Read the trans.log & search if there any user lock issue found.
if YES then go to below procedure to resolved.
1. Stop the SAP process in SAP MMC.
1. go to sqlplus via “CMD – sqlplus / as sysdba”
2. execute statement to check which user(SAPSR3) is locked.
select username, account_status from dba_users;
find the list of dba users with their status. if SAPSR3 user is locked then execute this below statement to unlock.
alter user SAPSR3 account unlock;
again execute to check whether it’s successful or not.
select username, account_status from dba_users;
if successful log out from SQL & execute “R3trans -d“. it finish with RC=0000.
START SAP & it will start.
Check Listener is up and running.
search for this error 0ra-12560, you will find a lot of notes.
I found your solution very lucid and to the point since I am aware of this issue. Its been a year since I am in SAP basis..pretty new though but trying hard to learn as much as I can.
I hope you can give a solution to my problem as well.
I am facing a similar issue,
R3trans finished (0012).
trans.log :
*** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error ‘1017’
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] set_ocica() -> SQL error code 1017
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] –>oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=1017)
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] OCIErrorGet -> SQL error code: 1017
4 ETW000 [ dev trc,00000] ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
When I checked “select username,account_status from dba_users;”
I see that SAPSR3 is locked! So I unlocked it with “alter user SAPSR3 account unlock;”
Further I changed the password also of SAPSR3 “alter user SAPSR3 identified by *****(new password) ;”
But the error persists! What else could be done? I request you to help me.
I refered note 400241 but was’nt sure how to apply it. Also prior to this I had upgraded the kernal ( 720, patch no 400 to patch no 439),since the system was not coming at all. After upgrade the system partially came up but Disp+work stopped ( I guess because database is not availabe via R3trans).
Thanks & Regards
Hi Aliya,
SAPSR3 password can only change by BRTOOLS only.
Hi Adil,
Yes, I figured it out. Issue has been resolved.
Thank you!